If you are looking for a good childcare option for your toddler, you might be undecided whether you want to send him or her to daycare or hire a babysitter to watch your child in your own home. Both options can be good ones, but many parents find that daycare is the best choice. These are a few reasons why.
1. It Can Be More Reliable
If you count on one babysitter to take care of your child, you are subject to the whims that that person has or the issues that he or she might go through. Sure, everyone gets sick, and you have to understand that your babysitter might have a vehicle repair issue or that he or she might want to take a vacation. However, these things can leave you in a tight spot at the last minute without care for your child. A daycare center, on the other hand, will generally have back-up staff members in these situations and can be less likely to leave you in a bind.
2. Your Child Can Learn New Social Skills
Even though your child might be more comfortable in your home at first, he or she has more of a potential to learn social skills in a daycare facility with other children. This can help prepare your child for school and for other social experiences in the future, and it can give him or her a chance to have fun with other kids. This isn't generally the case with an in-home babysitting situation, where your child will play with the babysitter alone or with siblings.
3. Daycare Centers are Held to Stricter Standards
Even though you can certainly screen your babysitter yourself, you may not have the same strict requirements that daycares often have. Many daycare facilities have strict requirements about the people who they hire; for example, they might require that they complete child care classes or that they are certified in CPR. A lot of daycares are also held up to strict requirements according to state laws, including on things like the nutritional requirements of the food that is served, the staff to child ratio and more. This can help you ensure that your child gets the best possible care and can cover bases that you and a potential babysitter might not even think about.
As you can see, even though hiring a babysitter can be beneficial, it may be better to use the services of a daycare for day-to-day care instead. Just make sure that you do your research to find the best possible child care facility for your son or daughter, and you should be satisfied. To learn more, contact a daycare center like Youthland Academy.